Marina Oliver – Writer – How To Write a Novel

The Beginner's Guide to

Writing a Novel

New revised and updated FOURTH edition

How to prepare your first book for publication

By Marina Oliver

With a Foreword by Diane Pearson, novelist, editor, and previous President of the Romantic Novelists' Association.

Available from Amazon, Waterstones

Cover of Writing a Novel This book is designed to help you put your novel on the page in the way that will give you the best chance of selling it to a publisher. It's not easy. It can be hard work and often disappointing, and luck plays a critical part, but it is possible. With persistence, knowledge of the world of publishing and belief in yourself, you can succeed. The rewards - seeing your book on public display or in the hands of a reader – and the delight in achievement, make all the effort worthwhile.

This book will show you the practical steps to be taken in order to reap those rewards. It deals specifically with:-


'I would recommend this book for many reasons, but most of all because it helps you to write!' – Amazon reviewer

'...packed full of short and pithy tips, taking on board quotes from editors and agents. There isn't one piece of advice, one tip or suggestion for further reading that isn't full of practical common-sense' – Writer's Bulletin

'Now in its third edition, Marina Oliver's book has become a classic of its kind. It is the complete how-to book for beginner novelists...' – Richard Bell, Writing Magazine

...contains many useful nuts and bolts as well as the more esoteric stuff, and much to inspire... – Brenda Ray, Writers' Bulletin

'...this definitive guide to getting published....tells you everything from how to write to submitting work and getting published.' – Active Life

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